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How to write an ethnographic methods training manual?

In another post I briefly wrote  about  the  importance of a training manual. Here I will breakdown what sections an effective training manual should have.

The Front Page should contain the project´s name, institution, founding source, the PI name and date. The  front page  should be always  followed by adetailed index.

I always start my  training manual with a short (1 or 2 pages long) explanation of what “team work” is. I write this  introduction depending on the type of hierarchy  that  the team will have. The main goal of this introduction is to set a team player mind set as well as introduce what is expected of each team member including myself. In this section I write down the  rules of the training week.

The  second  section should be an introduction to the project. I believe that all the  team members should have a clear idea of  what  data and why  they are  collecting that data. I only employ assistants  that are or  will become critical thinkers and  I encourage  them to actively participate in the research design of the project, they can only fully  participate  if they  understand the research objectives of the project. This section includes a brief  introduction to the  research project, research questions, hypothesis and a methodological overview. If  this is the  second  phase of an existing  project, assistants  should be  introduced to the preliminary work.

There should be a section on the research site and site  selection. This section is  extremely  important  when  working on a multi-sited research project as every  team members has  to  understand why  his or  her community is important. This will allow them feel integral to the research project.

Also, if permission has not  been yet granted or  assistants  will be  recruiting  participants information on participant  recruitment, participant  permission, obtaining permission or  consent and  other related tasks should be included. If  the  project  has IRB approval and  the assistants are  not  familiar  with IRB standards (i.e. they are  researchers from another country) there should be  a section on ethical considerations of the  recruitment  process. This section should include an example of  the  actual recruiting and  consent  forms  that  have been approved for  the project. Assistants should review them to ensure that the language is appropriate, correct and  clear.

The methods section differs from project to project and  can be  structured differently  depending on the project. If assistants will be part of  several phases of  data collection I advise to structure  this  section following  that time frame. In other  words, explain first, what assistants  will do first, then what  they will do later. Each method used should be described in exaggerated detail. Never assume that assistants know how to do anything since  they  might  not  know and  be  embarrassed to disclose  it, or since they might  do it differently  than what  you expects. Setting  clear expectations is  key  to a good data collection and this  can be  achieved by writing down every procedure and  including  examples. At  the  training  this is an  ideal moment to have assistants practice each data collection technique.

One  of  the  most important  sections is the one that covers the data management. No matter how big or small the team, managing and  organizing  the  data can be a  difficult and  time consuming task. The manual should include instructions on the  naming patterns followed in the  project;   the frequency, name and  place of  the back ups; and  transcription rules.

Some projects use special reimbursement  forms and  these should be  explained in the manual.

I also like to  include a calendar containing the  week by week  goals of the project, dates and locations of our  upcoming meetings, pay  days, days off, etc.

The appendix section contains all the final versions of the  instruments used in the  field translated in all the languages that will be  used. This allows assistants to photocopy any instrument while in the communities if needed.

I  print  and  bind  a copy of  the manual for  each team member. I give  them the  copy the  first day of  the training and  they keep it with them during all the fieldwork. Additionally, all the documents that are given to the team should be written in clear formal language.

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